2023 Club Championship Results
Club Champion – Alex Fraser
A Grade Nett – Mick Doyle
B Grade Champion – Aaron Edmunds
B Grade Nett – Nick Ciesielski
C Grade Champion – Rob Beatson
C Grade Nett – Martin Campbell
Seniors Champion – Bruce Fraser
Seniors Nett – Peter Semmens
Division 2 Pennant Scratch Winners 2023
Congratulations to our Scratch Pennant Winners 2023 - Darcy Doyle (Capt), Matt Willis, Jarod Plowman, Jim Hynes, Patrick Doyle, Alex Fraser - overcoming Trentham GC 3 1/2 to 1 1/2 @ Euroa GC - Sunday 7th May 2023
MMGC Scratch team make Pennant Final - to be held at Euroa 7th May 2023
The final March session for the Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC program was completed today with 25 enthusiastic participants. We were delighted to welcome 13 new lady members to our club. This brings our total number to 50 from a starting point of just 4! A remarkable achievement.
Thanks to co-ordinator Bruce Fraser, member helpers John Dawson, Gary Liddy, Peter Palmer, Sean Bassett and lady members Karen Faehndrich, Dee Cremasco and Jenny Svendsen for their support. Thanks also to Nathan Fairley and Andrew Billington for their time in the bar attending to the ladies' need for refreshments and Faye Dettmann for her childminding duties.
Bruce is intending to offer an advanced program to commence in May. Interested in participating? Contact Bruce directly.
Despite the predicted rain that was to come throughout the morning, the Kip McGrath Education Centres' 3 person Irish stableford was contested in perfect golfing conditions.
Thank you to Karl Pongracic for this sponsored event covering the cost of the competition, the bbq lunch and the generous bottles of wine at the presentations. (8th May 2023)
Today (4th March 2023) was our annual GREAT Gisborne Gazette Golf Gala 4BBB stableford. Thanks, as always to the Gazette for their ongoing support of MMGC, as this event commenced in 2011, and to Bryan Power who joined us to make the presentations.
Winners were John 'Shooter' Dawson (14) and Marcus Ward (13) with a combined team score of 48 points from runners up, Tony Carter (13) and Brian Collins (20) who returned with 46 points.
Thanks to the Romsey GC crew of Mal Mottram, Pat Chisholm, Stephen Wilkins and Mitch Atlas who supported the event.
Thanks also to Ryan and Luke for their work on the bbq to keep the worms away.
Nearest the Pin
1st & 10th - Mal Mottram (Romsey)
3rd & 12th – Jarod Plowman
8th – Matt Willis
16th – Brian Collins
Winners were John 'Shooter' Dawson (14) and Marcus Ward (13) with a combined team score of 48 points
Runners up, Tony Carter (13) and Brian Collins (20) who returned with 46 points
Today (1st March 2023) our club's Visionary of the Year award was celebrated as part of Golf Australia's launch of 'Women and Girls in Golf' month at the Sandy Golf Links. We had the opportunity to articulate the success of our journey to achieve the award prior to an enjoyable nine holes of golf, followed by a lunch and participation in a Q&A with Karen Lunn (British Open winner-pictured centre) and two of the young women participating in this weekend's exciting two day Athena Challenge (this can be seen on Fox Sport and Kayo). Our member guest, Kelly Spry (2nd from the right), was then invited to participate in a skills session with the Athena players.
Thank you to good friend of the MMGC, Shana Faralla, for joining us to celebrate our success.
GA announces MMGC as Visionary of the Year 2022
Out of the destruction wrought by the Ash Wednesday fires 40 years ago, the Mt Macedon Golf Club phoenix has risen to be named Golf Australia's Visionary of the Year for their 'Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC' sessions. This program has seen 120+ ladies participate in a novice skills program and seen the club's lady membership grow from four ladies to 36 in less than two years.
Thank you to all of those who voted for us, those members that directly supported the Sunday sessions, the ladies that participated in the program and co-ordinator Bruce Fraser who has been the driving force.
It was such a delightful surprise to receive the award from an Australian player who has won more majors than any other aussie golfer, Karrie Webb.
Below is some history of the club from the 1920s through to the resurrection following the 1983 Ash Wednesday fires.
As February 16th is the 40th anniversary of the Ash Wednesday fires, it feels more that appropriate to look back to the genesis of ‘Our Hidden Treasure on the Mount’ and the impact the fires had and to the commitment of a band of dedicated locals to its resurrection.
Our History
Golf has been played at Mt Macedon since the early 1920s, the course as it was then, was part of a large guest house complex which was popular with Melbourne people seeking to escape the summer heat.
The course was part of a small professional golf circuit in the 1930s with a purse of fifty pounds on offer. However due to lack of support the land declined back to a ‘cow paddock’. Following a groundswell of support from the local community the newly formed Mt Macedon Golf Club obtained permission to recommence use of the land as a golf course in 1967.
As an unincorporated body the club sought secure tenure as a tenant via a lease from the Commonwealth government. The club’s volunteer members and supporters commenced restoration of the course and facilities.
At the time of initial tenancy, the Gisborne Shire Council stipulated that the granting of the lease by the Commonwealth was contingent that no general rate payers’ monies nor council labour would be provided to the club. This principle was readily accepted by the founding Committee of Management and has continued to this day. From its meagre resources and through community fund raising, the club gradually acquired some modest equipment.
An example of the contribution from the local community was Mr Jack Hill, a Riding Councilor, who donated the timber from his sawmill business allowing a small clubhouse (on Waterfalls Rd) to be erected by volunteers. It was a matter of great pride and achievement when a small machinery shed was completed in the early 70s through a series of weekend working bees.
During the years from its inception to the early 80s, the club members developed the course albeit on a modest scale. Only greens and tees were irrigated and this was severely restricted during the long drought years the state endured at the time.
Income into the club was injected into course maintenance with the volunteers’ focus on maintaining an attractive recreational venue for use by golfers and the wider community. The course and the modest clubhouse provided a local community facility.
In 1982 the Management Committee investigated the feasibility of constructing an off-stream water storage facility on the course in order to develop a more secure irrigation plan and system.
Following discussions with the appropriate authorities and agreement was struck and a 24 megalitre dam was approved and constructed. This project was financed by a combination of borrowings and payment of members’ subscriptions in advance.
However the February 1983 Ash Wednesday fires saw every single physical asset of the club destroyed…… ‘not even a useable hose remained.’ The course was a blackened moonscape; the greens, tees and fairways were denuded of grass and in many areas the root structure of the turf had been destroyed due to the fire’s intensity.
In the days following the devastation of the Macedon and Mt Macedon communities, the Management Committee and interested community members considered the alternatives. Abandonment was considered with such money as might be recovered from insurance being donated to bushfire relief charities. Pleasingly the option to rebuild was adopted by a group of members and friends who became known as ‘The Dirty Dozen’, and the resurrection of MMGC commenced two weeks after the fires.
In the early months of the campaign, the club had no financial resources, pending receipt of insurance monies, however the club’s assets were under-insured. Fundraising efforts resulted in $2400 from a Victorian Golf Association raffle while Rotary International donated $3000 towards the re-establishment of a clubhouse that could double as a community facility. Consistent with established arrangements, no financial nor labour support from the Shire of Gisborne was forthcoming nor sought.
Throughout 1983 the club members and supporters committed to over 1000 hours of voluntary work and completed the installation of an automatic watering system. With the incorporation of the club in April 1984, the first AGM of the Mt Macedon Golf Club Incorporated was held on 2nd December 1984.
During 1984, an ex-military camp hut was purchased and delivered to its current location as our clubhouse.
So ends this chapter of the Mt Macedon Golf Club’s history.
What we have and enjoy today is built on the sweat of those who came before us.
From John Thornton, MMGC’s longest serving Hon Secretary.
“I think at the present, unfortunately there are only three of the so called “Dirty Dozen” left, Geoffrey Climas, Lorraine Thornton and myself.
During the reconstruction, if someone didn’t turn up on Sunday, each week Bluey Russell would demand to see a doctor’s certificate for your absence. The following were the regulars every Sunday and quite a few Saturdays when doing anything major eg. installing the watering system which took about four weekends and when we purchased the current clubhouse – an old, corrugated, iron classroom from the Balcombe Army Apprentice School, and trying to get it transported up to its present location, what a fun day that was.
Bluey referred to us as two groups, ‘us locals and those Melbourne people’.
BERNIE DONOVAN – our leader who led by example and kept us all motivated to achieve getting the course playable again for the local community and visitors.
ALBERT “BLUEY’ RUSSELL – one of the hardest working members the club has ever had, the hours Blue would have spent up there, one cannot imagine.
NORM GUY – our bridge designer and builder but his wife insisted he went home every Sunday for his roast dinner, while the rest of us had to make do with our sandwiches.
GEOFF CLIMAS – Geoff was nicknamed “the Gorilla” because of his strength when we did not have any machinery. He would easily lift large sections of the burnt-out trees and load them onto trailers before we could afford to buy a tractor.
IAN & NANCY YUILLE – long-time friends of Bernie, Ian and I worked together at TAA maintenance base at Tullamarine. Nance was a member, but Ian played at Tullamarine GC.
BRIAN & JEAN HAYES – long time members since the seventies, Brian was Bar Manager in the old clubhouse and Jean was Secretary for the Lady members.
RAY JAMIESON - was Brian and Jean’s son in law and a club member.
DON & SHIRLEY LINDSAY- plus their 3 kids and 2 dogs plus 4 pups when they were born.
JOHN & LORRAINE THORNTON – I think you probably know enough about them.
There were also a couple of other regular people who would turn up to help when they could and they should not be forgotten:
HEATHER FRANKLIN – Club Secretary, Heather planted all the new trees along the Childers Road fence line and was a huge support for Bernie when we had big problems with the Shire of Gisborne, and they were many.
GORDON ALLSOP – a good friend of Ian and Nancy Yuille, also he had known Bernie for some time through Ian and Nance, he was not a golfer, but he was regular volunteer”.
I hope this helps you with your article Marcus, I have tried to keep it brief BUT………
Once Lorraine and I started reminiscing last night about this time in our life, we had a lot of laughs at things we started to remember but we enjoyed every minute of it. We would come home black as pitch, cold and filthy dirty and our daughter would say: “You’re not going back up there again next week are you, Mum?” but we did, couldn’t let the team down.
May I take this opportunity to pass onto the Management Committee and the club’s members my congratulations and thanks for the hard work everyone is putting in. A special well done on the programme for the lady learners and the time and work the club is putting in to making it a success, would be a great advertisement for the club if, no, when we win.
Our fourth and final January ‘Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC’ session was again a modified ambrose competition. At the completion of the round, the ladies were treated to tasty nibbles as the raffle draw was undertaken. All ladies received two complimentary rounds to continue their golfing journey. Congratulations to Amber K who won the set of lady’s clubs, a bag and a membership to the club. Robyn K and Jaime O also received complimentary club memberships while others took home some bubbly prizes.
Thanks also to members Mike Hoiles, Sean Bassett, Brian Collins, Captain Mick Doyle and President Matt Willis for supporting the LGIG co-ordinator, Bruce Fraser.
Two teams finished 2 under the card after four holes, another was one under and the final group was even par. Impressive improvement in just four weeks!
Special thanks to Kelly Spry who shared her golfing journey from rank novice in the first cohort to achieving a handicap as well as welcoming all of the ladies to join the mid week and Sunday 'hit and giggle' group.
Expressions of interest have already been received for the March sessions. Go to our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MtMacedonGC to register your participation.
Week three of our January 'Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC' was an ambrose team event. Team Hoiles vs Team Willis vs Team Fraser saw a win to the four ball Hoiles team with a score that included one bogey and two pars.
Again it was a fun couple of hours of fun, laughter and frustration working on improvement on all aspects of the game. Thank you again to member helpers, Mike H, President Matt W, Treasurer Brian C, member Karen F, barman Billo and co-ordinator Bruce Fraser.
Next week will be out final January session and graduation ceremony with nibbles. We will draw the winner of the new set of lady's clubs along with some other mystery prizes, so be there or be talked about!
Visionary of the Year Voting opens soon
We’re excited to have made it as one of just three finalists to be named Golf Australia’s Visionary of the Year and the countdown is on for you to vote for us! The grand prize of $10,000 worth of Callaway REVA gear, designed specifically for women, is up for grabs.
Check out our winning Visionary of the Year story, Men Moving Mountains at: https://www.golf.org.au/men-moving-mountains/ and get ready to vote during February 6 – 12.
Keep an eye out on our Facebook page and on our website at mtmacedongolfclub.com.au for the voting link and the fabulous video detailing our Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC journey.
All voters have the chance to win a $500 Drummond voucher just for voting.
Today was the annual tribute to Life member John Lowe.
As President for 3 years, club captain for 8 years and club champion for 8 years, it was no surprise that a full field attended for the 4BBB stableford event.
Winners were Jim Hynes (3) and Nathan Fairley (14) - (47 points)
Runners up were father and son duo Mick (8) and Patrick (6) Doyle - 44 points.
One of the day's highlight was an eagle by A. Strawbs on the 9th.
Suzanne Lowe presenting the John Lowe Memorial shield to winners Jim Hynes and Nathan Fairley
January Monthly Mug Winner sponsored by Gisborne Peak Winery - Peter Semmens
Congratulations Mt Macedon Golf Club on your successful application for funds to help repair the first tee's retaining wall.
We're pleased we can support you again and hope the repaired course encourages more people to discover "the hidden gem on the Mount".
Doing it for Jarrod Prize Winners
1st : P. Thomas, D. Dunstan, S. Kourkoumelis, F. Manago – 89 Points
2nd : A. Robinson, G. Bubeck, P. Lord, G. Kirwan – 88 Points
1st/10th: P. Burrows
3rd/ 12th: S. Kourkoumelis
8th: S. Kourkoumelis
16th: Peter Lord
1st: M. Willis, A. Edmunds, N. Fairley, W. Christie – 92 Points
2nd: S. Gunnell, M. Campbell, S. Smith, D. Gray – 90 Points
1st/10th: B. McGready
3rd/ 12th: A. Hudson (Mick Doyle)
8th: M. Campbell
16th: M. Willis
1st Prize: Drummond Golf Bag – Phil Thomas
2nd Prize: $200 Travel Voucher (Michelle Edwards) – Graham Bysouth
3rd Prize: 6 Bottles Yering Station Shiraz – Rock Hudson
4th Prize: 150th British Open Pack – Peter Watson
5th Prize: Challenge Leuk the Duck Pack – David Gray
6th Prize: Foodworks $200 Voucher – Nathan Fairley
7th Prize: Vet Supplies Pack x 3 (Luke Roberston) – Sean. Smith, Gerry Timmins, Glenn Moore
8th Prize: Leuk the Duck Driver Covers x 3: Terry Bonello, Ben Monk, ? Fiangers
Upcoming Major Event - Gold Plate - Saturday 3rd December 2022
Volunteer of the Year – Bruce Fraser
The Dalhousie District Golf Association (DDGA) announced its Volunteer of the Year as Bruce Fraser for his commitment to the 'Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC' program. Over the past 18 months, the ladies' membership has grown massively, and Bruce and his cohort of volunteers have continued their dedication throughout the Macedon Ranges winter, which is no easy feat.
Sunday Sirens Chris Zollo, Kym Riley, Karen Faehndrich, Marg Snedden and Susan D'Urso joined Bruce Fraser and enjoyed their modified ambrose competition before retiring to the warmth of the clubhouse for a debrief.
MMGC awarded Golf Australia's March Visionary of the Year for their 'Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC' program
Featured in this week's Midland Express.
Mount Macedon Golf Club has been awarded Golf Australia’s March award for ‘Visionary of the Year’ in acknowledgment of the amazing work the club has been doing to promote gender equality.
Mount Macedon’s progressive thinking, desire to grow its female membership and new ‘Get into Golf’ program has been a catalyst for the award.
The club has made enormous inroads with the program and created a welcoming and inclusive space where women can enjoy golf at their own pace, evidenced by a 600 per cent increase in female engagement at the club in the past year alone.
Club secretary Marcus Ward said it was exciting to win the award and the club had had fantastic support from its members.
"These programs aren't viable without volunteer support and this program has been running since the middle of last year and our members have been on board with it the entire time," Ward said.
"We've had over 80 ladies participate and that secured us 25 new members to the golf club.
"We're not resting on our laurels as we commence a hit and giggle Sunday modified competition.
"Coordinator Bruce Fraser has been the catalyst for the program's success along with our Golf Australia representative Shana Faralla."
Ward thanked Bendigo Community Bank Gisborne for securing four sets of golf clubs for free use by the ladies.
Golf Australia’s Serrin Bertino said Visionary of the Year celebrated the terrific work being done across Australia’s clubs and facilities to promote gender equality and aimed to inspire and empower others to follow on.
“What Mt Macedon Golf Club has achieved by encouraging and supporting more women and girls to join their club, especially with such a small-volunteer base, has been outstanding,” Bertino said.
“To have seen such a significant increase in their female engagement, via their programs and initiatives that welcome and support women/girls to play golf in a way that suits their lifestyle, has been brilliant.
"It’s another fantastic example of how to embrace all golf participants so everyone can enjoy our great game.”
Week three of our January 'Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC' was an ambrose team event. Team Hoiles vs Team Willis vs Team Fraser saw a win to the four ball Hoiles team with a score that included one bogey and two pars.
Again it was a fun couple of hours of fun, laughter and frustration working on improvement on all aspects of the game. Thank you again to member helpers, Mike H, President Matt W, Treasurer Brian C, member Karen F, barman Billo and co-ordinator Bruce Fraser.
Next week will be out final January session and graduation ceremony with nibbles. We will draw the winner of the new set of lady's clubs along with some other mystery prizes, so be there or be talked about!
Sunshine finally for the Sunday Mountain Maidens. It's been several weeks of waiting, but the ladies were greeted with delightful Spring sunshine for their third session of Ladies Get Into Golf @ MMGC. This week they experienced on course practise putting on the first green, chipping to the third hole and driving from the 4th tee.Next week they will head out to play a 'real golf' team ambrose.
We welcomed back five of our Sunday Sirens who have become regular starters on a Sunday afternoon following them becoming members of 'Our Hidden Treasure on the Mount'.
As a follow up to these 8 weeks of introductory sessions, Bruce Fraser is offering more advanced sessions between November 7-28. Currently this invitation is open to those ladies who have previously been involved in the introductory sessions. There are limited spaces, so make contact with Bruce asap.
Week three of our January 'Ladies Get Into Golf@MMGC' was an ambrose team event. Team Hoiles vs Team Willis vs Team Fraser saw a win to the four ball Hoiles team with a score that included one bogey and two pars.
Again it was a fun couple of hours of fun, laughter and frustration working on improvement on all aspects of the game. Thank you again to member helpers, Mike H, President Matt W, Treasurer Brian C, member Karen F, barman Billo and co-ordinator Bruce Fraser.
Next week will be out final January session and graduation ceremony with nibbles. We will draw the winner of the new set of lady's clubs along with some other mystery prizes, so be there or be talked about!