The Nuleaf Tree Services August Mug o' the Month was yesterday's stableford event. Despite predictions of storms and tempest later in the day, the sun was out mid morning beaming down on 'Our Hidden Treasure on the Mount'. A dozen players welcomed new member Mark Weston of Watermark Pools for a random draw of four groups, Mark searching for his final card for handicap. No players equalled or bettered their handicaps, so scores were relatively tight except for the dish pig.
Winner with a pair of 17s was the Walrus (10) 34 points from his playing partner Gregg Kennedy (20) 33 points. Remaining score: Oils Flannery (22) 32, Peter Watson (23), Gary Liddy (20) and Steve Barrow (17) all finished with 30 points, Mike Hoiles (16) 29, Jezza Clare (20) 27 Tuppence (42) and Nifty (19) both on 26 points. Unfortunately Geoff Pickles (28) was unable to stay for the presentation nor the dishes as a result of his 15 points so it was a countback between Nifty and Tuppence. Terry's 14 points on the inward nine relegated Nifty to the sink. Thanks for stepping in Neville.
NTP on the 3rd/12th was Walrus.
Next week we are playing a Par round while the next three Saturdays are all Stableford events.