

As part of our commitment to the DDGA pennant competition the course will be CLOSED from 10:30 am onwards on the following dates:

Sunday 23/3/25

Sunday 13/4/25

On Sunday the 11th of August at the DDGA 2023 Awards presentation Mount Macedon was awarded Club of the Year!

President Matt Willis was awarded the Long serving volunteer award and Course Superintendent Nathan Fairley being awarded the Volunteer of the Year award.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who have contributed to this great achievement with a combination of our continual support of DDGA events and DDGA Club Tournaments, competitiveness in Men’s Pennant and our ongoing support of the Ladies Get Into Golf Program.



Green fee players are very welcome with no waiting times and our green fee honour system reflects the very nature of our club. We encourage anyone who wants to be part of the 'family' at Mt. Macedon Golf Club.

For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

The history


Golf has been played at Mt. Macedon since the early 1920's, the course, as it was then, was part of a large guest house complex which was popular with Melbourne people seeking to escape the summer heat.

The writer recalls a conversation with the late George Naismith (then a pro at the Melbourne Sports Depot) where George remembers the course being part of a small professional golf circuit in the 1930; he said that he could remember playing for a purse of £50 ($100).

There is very little information available from the World War II years and beyond; it is safe to say that the course basically deteriorated, due to lack of interest.

In 1965/66 a group of like-minded locals got together to resurrect the course and form the first official Mt. Macedon Golf Club. A President (Mr Bill Doyle) was elected. Over the next six to seven years, the group basically put a presentable golf course together including a clubhouse, and as a crowning achievement to their labours, the first Club Championship was held in 1973 (won by Mr John Lowe).

Over the next ten years, the Club became an integral part of the local community. Significant achievements in that period included major extension to the clubhouse and completion of a twenty-four megalitre dam.

And then came Ash Wednesday, February 16th, 1983.

On that night the entire course, clubhouse, machinery and valuable records and mementos were obliterated. However, within a few days of this event, a group of determined individuals got together once more to see if the course could be resurrected. Largely due to the determination and the ability of its leader, the late Mr Bernie Donovan (President for thirteen consecutive years), the group succeeded in rebuilding the course to a point where it was ready for play by the end of December, 1984.

Since that time, the further development and maitenance of the Club and the course have been largely achieved by the voluntary efforts of the membership.

We are proud of our little Club and its history, and the fact that we are a viable unit within the Dalhousie District and golf in Victoria generally.